Tess-array where all the great mosaicists shop!!!!!

Green MIX FLAT Filato

Regular price $27.50

Filato sticks 20gms weight in a 13 x 1.5cm plastic tess-tube with black stoppers.

They range in size from 1-6mm width, and their thickness is about 1-2mm Various lengths

Dark green, emerald green, apple green, khaki green,leaf green, turquoisy green,.... a mix of greens per tube.

I was shown to use a thin diamond file to score and break the filati into the tiny size pieces you want. Since using it more, I tend to lie the filato on my work bench and mark along the length of the glass stick the intervals I want to cut it to. If you are working in a shallow bezel you can cut it smaller, or in a thick bezel leave it a bit longer, or keep it all short and just use more Apoxie Sculpt to raise your height....

......anyway, I use a thin black Sharpie and mark all the way down like the increments on a ruler... then I get my sharpest wheeled nippers, and ones where the wheels touch almost when you use them. Then I just sit there with a tray on my lap and my hands comfortable, shoulders relaxed and feed the stick into the wheeled nippers and gently cut the tiny pieces, collecting them in the tray. I find especially when working with the 1 and 2 mm sizes I have less breakages and more straight cuts using this method.

Choose the method that works best for you.

Sold in mixes only- Hot mix, Green mix, Flesh mix, Mixed colours, Brown Mix, Blue Mix, Grey Mix. All the same price other than Flesh mix which is more expensive.





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