
Tess-Array.com is open for business.

Karen Baker

Tess-Array.com is open for business.

Tess-Array is open for business.

Don't be limited by your materials, play with your tesserae. Karen Baker.

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Tess-Array is re-opening.

Karen Baker tess-array is re-opening.

Tess-Array is re-opening.

Yes Tess-Array is re-opening. When ?????  is the unconfirmed detail at the moment. Soooo, it's been a long time since 6th November 2021 at 6.30am when I fell on my ankle while walking my Archie boy. Laying on the ground for hours with a long stick warding off the big ants coming in to make a meal out of me, waiting for the ambulance, was the worst thing I thought, it wasn't..... Thank God for the two green whistles. After readjustment to get my foot going in the same direction as my leg, I waited for what seemed like forever...

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In an instant.......

Karen Baker broken ankle healing well in an instant open soon

In an instant.......

Hello supporters and very valued customers of Tess-Array.com Enjoying my early morning walk with my dog Archie on our property on 6/11/21 has resulted in a slip and fall, and a broken right ankle. We have Laterite rock as the base of the ground around here and it weathers into small round pisolites. Seems my foot just slipped out in front of me on these and I went down. The many breaks resulted in surgery on 17/11/21-  for screws and plates. It was the longest wait, in hospital,  but they need all the swelling to go down before surgery happens....

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Karen Baker karenbakerartist karenbakermosaicartist mirror tess-array.com versatile VGT VGT = versatile. VGT515


Vibrant Glass Tiles are so Versatile!!!! karenbakerartist@gmail.com tess-array.com

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Working Hard

Karen Baker

Working Hard

The Vibrant Glass Tile order arrived and is unpacked. I ordered the tiles quite a few months ago, so by the time they are manufactured, and delivered, I've almost forgotten what I've ordered. Opening the boxes and getting the full colour hit is a joy unlike all others. I so love opening boxes of tiles. Lotsa lovely new colours complementing an already amazing range of colours. Pretty much THE best range of colours I have EVER seen in one place. These tiles are for indoor and outdoor use! All glass, all real colours, all not going to fade. When I...

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