
Vibrant Glass Tiles new arrivals-June 2019.

Karen Baker

Vibrant Glass Tiles new arrivals-June 2019.

New Vibrant Glass Tile arrive 12/06/2019. Will need to be unpacked, checked, photographed and uploaded.

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Aragonite in stock

Karen Baker aragonite

Aragonite in stock

Oh these pretty Aragonite crystals are deeeeeelicious. I'm selling them in groups of 5, because it is always best layout wise in mosaics to use odd numbers. 5 is a great number to work with, or you can use individually one in two mosaics, then a group of 3 in another. These Aragonite are from Mexico and really are a delight. If you are not used to using rocks or minerals in your mosaics, just have a play with them. I find that playing with your materials, putting them with groups of materials, moving them around, looking at them grouped,...

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A Hundred Thousand Flowers- Millefiori

Karen Baker millefiori milly orange and yellow purple red

A Hundred Thousand Flowers- Millefiori

Glass Millefiori flowers just bloomed...

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Karen Baker Karen Baker mosaic tools mosaics online spatula spatula tess-array


I like to have plenty of tools at hand when I am working on a project, or more correctly when I am working. Mostly I have a few projects on the go at a time in different places in my studio. I like to have tools I need at each station. I have lots of extras of things like spatulas that I use for glue whether it is mastic, or thinset. Here's some new spatulas I just got in, and only a couple of dollars each you can afford to get a couple extra. Here's a link to the tools...

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