Matt v's Shiny -Part Two

I've made two new rainbow pieces an have grouted them in different colours for you to see.

The first one is a bamboo tray I had and I tiled it with 9 of the colours from the Tess-Array-nbow, and just now have grouted it with a weird colour I mixed up. I had some Davco Light Grey #49 and some red colourant that a friend gave me a long time ago. So the colour of the grout is a bit awfully peach, but I went ahead anyway.

I'm not sure what you think, but I quite like it. I've always been a black grout person, but maybe rainbow tiles look okay with other colours other than black. From this experiment I think you can pretty much use any colour grout for the rainbow to look good. I do think it looks a bit "washy" like the black though.....still needs a final cleanup and buff.  Maybe the tiles are too close together, maybe it is the pattern......?


The second experiment was in another white tray using the Tess-Array-nbow tiles plus some white shiny glass ones I picked up last time I was in the US. I grouted it chocolate brown. I LOVE IT.

I think the brown looks better than the black, for all colours. It looks especially good for the white through to pale green, then there is the same washy look. I wonder what a deep blue grout would look like? It would probably look great for the purple through to yellow.... This grouting business really is hard work.

Here is the pic- what do you think?

The grout is a little wet still in this photo, but it dried very similar and still looks the same.

Glenn wants me to grout in white, but I just don't have any white grout and with the region restrictions still on I have no way to get white grout to try. It will have to wait for another day.

What's your verdict?  Sooooo... I think I'll be grouting all my rainbow pieces with chocolate from now on. I much prefer it to black. It is hard to discern whether it is just the pattern that is more appealing, or if the addition of the white which also are shiny glass makes a difference, and the frame is all white. These factors may all play with the eye and make it more appealing.

I do have some Tess-Array-nbow poles I am making for the garden, so maybe I will make them all and then start with brown grout on the first and decide from there.

Please email me or message me through Facebook and share anything you learn about using these Tess-Array-nbow tiles, and the grout choices you have made.

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  • Maureen Williams on

    Hi Karen
    Further to our conversation yesterday, I agree don’t like the ‘peachy’ grout but the chocolate brown looks yummy! Also I think its the pattern as well. I think I will try something other than black on my next pic.

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